Invest in Your Future with Kraken

Weekly Updates & Stock Spotlight

March 26, 2024

Hill Chart Shape

ApeVue50 Index & Sectors 1Y Performance

Most Active Names Performance

ApeVue50 Privates versus Public Benchmarks/ETFs





Public v. Private (12mo)

The ApeVue50 tracks the performance of the 50 most active private names observed in the secondary market. It is an equal-weighted index, rebalanced on a monthly basis.

This rebalancing of constituents over time gives way for more active names to participate in what we observe as "market performance," and in a more appropriate manner than static selections and weightings criteria.



Stock Spotlight - Kraken

Financial DeFi Blockchain

San Francisco, California, USA
Jesse Powell

Kraken is a leading cryptocurrency exchange and financial services platform whose mission is to help individuals invest in their future. The goal of Kraken is to support people in building and growing their portfolios within a transparent and fair setting.

Kraken's slogan, "You just need $10 to get started," highlights the accessibility and ease of entry that the platform offers to its users. This phrase conveys the message that engaging with cryptocurrency is both affordable and straightforward, even for those who are new to the digital currency space when you are using Kraken.



Latest News and Updates on Kraken

Kraken's Qualified Custody Solution for Crypto in the US — Kraken has unveiled a qualified custody solution for cryptocurrencies in the United States to enhance security and compliance for its users. Click here to read more.
Attorneys General Claim SEC Overstepped in Kraken Lawsuit — A group of attorneys general has argued that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) overstepped its bounds in the lawsuit against Kraken, raising questions about regulatory overreach. Click here to read more.
Kraken's New Brand for Crypto Solutions for Institutions — Kraken has launched a new brand to offer cryptocurrency solutions for institutional clients. Click here to read more.






Kraken's Financial Data



Kraken 180D



Kraken 90D



Kraken 30D





Series B Valuation

<span class="date">2019-07-01</span>
<span class="value">$5.21B</span>



Implied Valuation

<span class="date">2024-03-18</span>
<span class="value">$2.94B</span>



Change Since Last Round

<span class="date">2019-07-01 → 2024-03-18</span>

<span class="value red">-43.67%</span>



Quarterly Bid and Ask Volume Ratio

ApeVue observed a higher bid volume than ask volume for Kraken from the beginning of 2021 until the end of Q3 2021. However, this trend reversed from Q4 2021 through Q2 2023, with ask volume surpassing bid volume. As of March 2024, Kraken is once again experiencing a higher bid volume compared to its ask volume.

YTD Volatility of Composite Price in %

The volatility of the composite price is calculated as the average movement of the composite price over the previous 90 days. Kraken's volatility was 84% on January 1st, 2024, and it subsequently dropped to 38% by March 18th, 2024.

Kraken and Private Comparables in the Financial Sector

ApeVue highlights financial companies with significant secondary market activity as of March 18, 2024.

Change in 30D Volume from 30D Average over Last 180D

The plot below displays the top five and bottom five companies based on the change in volume (Bid/Ask/Trade). Kraken's 30-day average volume increased from $20 million to $44 million within the last 30 days. Conversely, Gusto's 30-day volume has decreased from $22 million to $11 million.

90D Bid and Ask Volume Ratio

The plot below illustrates the bid and ask volume ratio over the past 90 days for the top ten companies, determined by their total bid and ask volume. Remarkably, all contributions for the National Stock Exchange of India within the last 90 days up to March 18, 2024, were bids.

Top 10 Most Active Companies

The plot below illustrates the top 10 most active finance companies as measured by composite depth from broker contributions within the last 90D of March 18, 2024.

Change in ApeVue's Implied Valuation from Last Funding Round Valuation

ApeVue's implied valuation is computed on March 18, 2024 and compared to company's last funding round valuation. Valuations have dropped for all financial companies except for Stripe.

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