Hugging Face Launches Open Robotics Project

Weekly Edition & Stock Spotlight

March 15, 2024

Hill Chart Shape

ApeVue50 Index & Sectors 1Y Performance

Most Active Names Performance

ApeVue50 Privates versus Public Benchmarks/ETFs





Public v. Private (12mo)

The ApeVue50 tracks the performance of the 50 most active private names observed in the secondary market. It is an equal-weighted index, rebalanced on a monthly basis.

This rebalancing of constituents over time gives way for more active names to participate in what we observe as "market performance," and in a more appropriate manner than static selections and weightings criteria.



Stock Spotlight - Hugging Face

AI Marketplace Data Cloud & Infra Automation

New York, NY, USA
Clement Delangue

Hugging Face is a provider of open-source machine learning technologies and platforms, dedicated to democratizing access to advanced machine learning. The company's business model is centered around providing a collaborative platform for AI models, featuring over 400K models and 100K datasets.

In August 2023, Hugging Face secured $235 million in a Series D funding round, with leading investments from Salesforce Ventures and Nvidia.



Latest News and Updates on Hugging Face

Google Cloud and Hugging Face Partnership — Google Cloud and Hugging Face have announced a strategic partnership to boost the development of generative AI and machine learning. Click here to read more.
Hugging Face's StarCoder Launch — Hugging Face has introduced StarCoder, a new set of code generation models designed to improve developer productivity. Click here to read more.
Hugging Face's Open Robotics Project — Hugging Face is venturing into robotics with the launch of its Open Robotics project, which aims to provide a collaborative platform for developing and sharing open-source robotics models and datasets. Click here to read more.
Malicious AI/ML Models on Hugging Face — A recent study has uncovered over 100 malicious AI and ML models hosted on Hugging Face's platform, raising concerns about the security of shared AI resources. Click here to read more.






Hugging Face's Financial Data



Hugging Face 180D



Hugging Face 90D



Hugging Face 30D





Series D Valuation

<span class="date">2023-08-09</span>
<span class="value">$4.5B</span>



Implied Valuation

<span class="date">2024-03-11 </span>
<span class="value">$4.74B</span>



Change Since Last Round

<span class="date">2023-08-09 → 2024-03-11</span>

<span class="value green">+5.33%</span>



Funding Round in USD

YTD Average Volatility of AV’s Composite Price

Monthly Bid:Ask Volume Ratio

Hugging Face and Private Comparables in the Automation Sector

90D Depth

Selected companies have at least 3 contributions over the last 90 days

30D % Change Price

Selected companies have at least 3 contributions over the last 90 days

% Volatility of ApeVue's Composite Price and Underlying Contributions

Volatility of the composite price and underlying contribution movement over previous 90 days

Change in ApeVue Valuation Since Last Funding Round

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